Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today I'm playing with all of my toys. Mama likes to put all of my toys away every night. I like to take them all out. I typically use my pudgy hand to grab a toy, look at it, gum it, and then throw it down and search for my next toy.

My purple basket makes this
SOOOO easy.

I sit next to the basket and grab the sides and PULL it towards me. I then lean over as far as I can to grab all of the toys out. Sometimes my big belly gets in the way, but then I just topple over inside of the basket to get the toys. Sometimes Mama lets me stand next to the basket while she hangs on to me, so I can dive for toys.

Sometimes Mama puts ME in the basket. Silly Mama.

I give this
basket 3 out of 5 binkys. I think the basket is probably more for Mama, but the wheels on the bottom make it easy to pull towards me, it's a fun purple and pink color, and it holds all of my toys.

Now if I could just find the binky basket...

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