Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am still on vay-cay-shun with Mama and Dada. We are not sleeping at home but in a new place with one big bed. Mama and Dada brought my nap bed here so I have a place to sleep. Some of my stuff is in The Room, but most of it is not. Mama and Dada are staying in The Room with me and I like it.

Today Mama let me roll and climb all over The Room bed. I also found her purse today! Mama usually never lets me play with it, but once I tipped it over and everything fell out, she giggled so I assumed it was okay.

I found Mama's card with her picture on it and a lot of small hard little cards. I also found shiny tubes and paper, which I tried to eat. I also chewed on the purse which felt wonderful on my gums.

I give Mama's purse 3 out of 5 binkys. It was fun to chew on, fun to tip it over and watch the silver and gold circles fall out, and fun to crinkle all of the paper. I don't think Mama will let me play with it much, so I think I need a purse of my own. That way, I could put Dolly, my sunscreen, and my raspberry binky inside and tip them out whenever I wanted!

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