Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today I am playing with the Oshkosh Plush Rattle Doll, known as Dolly.

I know I am the baby of the family, but Mama likes to give me Dolly to play with so I can pretend she is MY baby. I don't really want to do that, so instead I try to eat her feet.

Dolly is very soft and has a rattle inside. When Mama picks ME up, I do not rattle. Dolly is a silly baby. Dolly also wears the same thing every day and has her hair in perfect piggy-tails. I like to pick her up and shake, shake, shake her and then throw her as far as I can. Mama sometimes gives her kisses and then makes Dolly give me kisses. I don't want Dolly kisses, but sometimes I giggle because Dolly's piggy-tails tickle my face.

I give Dolly 2 out of 5 binkys. She is soft and is fun to shake, but I can't do much else with her after that.

Hang on, Dolly. I'm sure you and I will be best buddies soon. For now? Give me my Mama and her kisses any day.

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