Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Mama usually lets me know when it's bed time by taking me upstairs to my room, putting my pajamas on, feeding me, and then letting me crawl all around. Usually I play with many things in my room, but a very, very short time ago, I played with my first door. A door stops baby from going into the bathroom. A door keeps doggie in his wire home. A door swings open and swings shut. A door is not for little babies.

I am not such a little baby any more. I learned how to swing a door and open and shut. All. On. My. Own. I still like to play with other things (like boxes), but a good door will tire me any night.

Overall, I give Door 4 out of 5 binkys. Now if only the door handle was just a WEE bit closer to the ground so I could grab it...

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