Monday, August 24, 2009


Today I am playing with a wire door. I don't know if you know, but Mama and Dada have two puppies that like to lick my cheeks, wag their tails into my hair, and try to eat my food.

I don't like all that very much, but I like where my puppies sleep. They have two little wire homes with doors! I like to crawl really fast into their room and open and close and open and close and open and close their doors. I even went into the cages once (shhhh...Mama doesn't know yet). [Mama's editorial note: Ack!] The puppies don't seem to mind that I play with their doors, but Mama minds when I try and suck on them. She scoots me over and says "eek blah blah blah."

I give these doors 3 out of 5 binkys. They make fun squeaky sounds when they open and they are really easy to move back and forth. Too bad I can't chew on them. Ah, well...back to the binky.

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