Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mini Bottle

Today I am playing in Mama's diaper bag. Hmmm...let's see what we can find.
Oh, what's this? This looks like a bott-tull. My favorite kind of toy.
Hmmm...this is much smaller than a normal bott-tull.
What is this, Mama?
Baby powder? To powder babies? Whatever. It is the perfect size for me. I'm going to keep it forever!
I give this teeny tiny baby-sized bott-tull 5 out of 5 binkys. It's like it was made for my little hands to hold. It was so easy to carry with me. I took it every where I went all morning. Finally, Mama had to give me my real milk bott-tull, so I put this one down. Huh. I wonder where that went?

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