Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ball Popper

Today I am playing with the Playskool Busy Ball Popper, thanks to my good friend Anja who got it for me for my birthday. I'm not sure if you heard, but I turned 1 last month. I'm a pretty big deal.

I just learned how to say BALL. This toy has 5 BALLs and they FLY up in the air and then pop back into the toy. I like to try and stop them from going back down the hole. I take one and put a ball in each hand then run around the house shouting BAAAAUUUUULLL. Mama laughs at me and then asks me to put it back in.

Put it back?
My ball?
Both of them?
Hmmmm...will they come back out?
Oh, okey dokey then.

The ball popper also has REALLY good music. The songs only play for about a minute - just enough time to be fun but not annoy Mama.

I give this busy ball popper 5 out of 5 binkys. The only thing I can't quite do it is turn it on. I know the big red button turns it on, but only Mama or Dada is strong enough to do that.

Anja, you can come over any time you want to and play with if you can turn it on.

1 comment:

  1. Deer Lyla,
    my Mama sayz i can come play with you as long as i sh-air. Do you know what sh-air-ing is? I know where the suh-witch is, but can't turn it on...yet. Maybe we could do it too-gether.
