Sunday, November 29, 2009


Today I am playing with my singing puppy, also known as the Laugh and Learn Puppy. I have to let you in on a little secret. I have not liked this puppy for a very long time. He has been with me for many months now, but I often stepped over him in search of better toys.

But today? We got along very well in my new tent. The puppy sings songs! I like to clap my hands when he starts to sing. Sometimes his little heart lights up and turns off and lights up and turns off. I wish more of him would light up. Sometimes he also starts singing one song and then when I touch him he starts singing another song. He is a very sensitive little puppy.

Overall, I give singing puppy 3 out of 5 binkys. I like the songs he sings (Pat A Cake, Happy Clap Clap, Piggy to Market, and HeadShoulderKneesAndToes) and I like his voice. Mama sometimes turns him off when he makes too much noise. I don't think she likes it when he talks to me when I don't try and talk to him. He is a very nosey little puppy.

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