Sunday, April 25, 2010

Please, Play With Me...Like This!

I've been playing with a lot of toys over the last year in a half. My Mama and Dada and Ba-Ba and Gamma and aunt-ees like to give me toys that I really, really like. But, sometimes I like to play with things that you might not understand.

Just in case you come over and play with me some day, here is a little list of some of my favorite things to do:

  • I like to look at Mama's high school photo album. It's filled with pictures of people I don't know, but MAMA is in it!
  • I like to take a pen (with the cap on or off) and pretend that I'm drawing. Usually this means I ask for paper or try to take your magazine that you are trying to read to use the pen on.
  • I like to go to the computer chair, scream at Mama for Elmo and then sit on her (or your) lap while Elmo sings on the computer. (Mama note: Why aren't there more Elmo songs on iTunes?)
  • I like to AH-BU things. I like to open and close almost everything. I can't really say "OOOH-PEN" yet, so I say AH-BU.
  • BYE-BYE! Well, obviously I say this when I want to leave, but sometimes I say it when I am all done with whatever we are doing. I like to say this when Zoe the puppet comes out. She doesn't have to stay long.
  • I like it when you count to 10 by opening one finger on each hand at a time. My FAVORITE is when you count to TWO. I like to grab your fingers and then pull them to my neck in a V like a necklace.
  • I like to throw a ball by running at you with it...and then handing it to you.
I hope you come over to Lyla-sit sometime soon. Then you will know all of the things I like to do!

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