Let me count the ways I love this toy.
- One. I can flip my 2-paged big-girl book pages back and forth, back and forth. If I lean far enough forward, I can also gum the purple sides.
- Two. I can cram the entire triangle on the soft tower of shapes in my mouth. I think if I get bigger, I can get that square in as well.
- Three. When I lean on the big buttons I hear MOOOO and COW and VACA. I have no idea what these mean. But when I lean on it again, music plays! Mama always dances along to the music and claps her hands. How does she do that?
- Four. I can bend the happy star to me and drool all over it for minutes.
- Five. I can turn around and around and around and around in the seat. Every time I turn myself, I find a new toy to play with! Mama helps by putting new toys all around the seat so I can pick up and throw a toy as I go around.
There are only a couple of things I don't like. There is a soft dinosaur that I never play with. I wish it would get out of my way so I could see Mama. I like how big the seat is, but I often lose the toys that Mama sets on the top. This makes me angry when I can hear my baby radio, but it's stuck by my tummy.
I give the exersaucer 5 out of 5 binkys. It is easy to play in, lets me play standing up like a big girl, and doesn't let me topple over.
Why would William ever give this up?